Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Update 6 - Sleep it such a precious thing

So it’s been approximately 3days since I’ve posted, so let me give you an overview of what’s happened. October 10-13 I was on Break and I initially had plan to spend those days working on my goal. I decided since I could pick a good card I would just give up working on my card and just start on my website.
 well, the first day I sat on my couch for a good 20 min talking with my big sis and  all of a sudden it hit me..."I’ve lost a lot of sleep this past few weeks" so I dosed and said to myself "I’ll do it later" off and when I woke up it was 12am. the next day I put it off again and then on the third day I just totally forgot about it so all in all I wish I did work on my website but I didn't .. SORRY!

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